Please scroll down to learn about the ELI®/ELI 360, DISC, and Emotional Intelligence Assessments we offer at The Playbook Lab


ELI®/ELI 360 - Attitudinal Assessment

A tool that measures your perspectives - energetic influence so you can open new way points when approaching yourself and team in every day interactions.

Enables us to hold up mirrors to perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities. The assessment reveals what specific filters you’ve developed and how those filters are influencing the results you want to achieve. Option to use the ELI complementary assessment, the 360 to invite others to rate one’s leadership abilities. All reports results are anonymous.

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DISC - Talent Insights, Behavioral Tendencies + Motivators

This report gives us our how and our why. Better said - our behavioral tendencies and motivations. By learning and becoming more aware of them, we increase our understanding of others to improve communication, productivity, and performance.


Emotional Intelligence

In athletics, success is our ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of our emotions to facilitate high levels of collaboration and productivity.

This is at the core of successful individuals and teams. This is emotional intelligence.

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